• Jan 1, 2012


Two thousand and eleven began by watching my parents drive away from our family home, beginning their new adventures in the bustling city of Melbourne. I said my last goodbyes to the empty rooms, packed my mothers scrawny tomato into the back seat of my car, and at newly eighteen, I drove to my new home. A small flat of two rooms nestled in a pretty tree lined street. That first month was a mixture of emotions, excitement at my newfound freedom in a city free of parents and rules, but also the intense missing of my mother and strange feeling of living an independent life. At times I was terribly miserable and lonely, but I had martin to pick me back up again. There were bills to be paid, food to be bought and cooked and a house to be cleaned.

first test shoot of the year with pretty model emma.

over the new year, i had travelled to falls to photograph the festival for kluster magazine

melbourne based model jess. photographed whilst visiting my mother

lovely bella by the river

bella hidden in the weeds

My first job for the year was in a city office as an administration assistant. It was exciting and new and the people were lovely, but I soon found myself daydreaming out the window, longing to be in the sunshine with my camera. My days began to be consumed by my job, wake, eat, travel to work, work, travel home from work, eat, sleep. I had no time to photograph and my camera sat upon the shelf collecting dust for months. So many of us work fulltime office jobs, but it is not in my spirit to be trapped inside all day, for me, taking pictures is all that I am, and without that I am nothing. After some months, my mother came to visit, she told me it had to stop, and that if I were unhappy, only I could fix it. I left my job, sad to leave the wonderful people I had met, but excited for new adventures. 

a collaboration shoot with the very talented Chanelle Leslie and pretty model Lucy

exploring an abandoned house whilst travelling to whyalla to visit my father

a haunting shoot with model kimberley

scribbles in my notebook

gypsy spirits and sunset sands with model jennifer

At this time I considered moving to Melbourne, but with martin just starting an apprenticeship as a chef, it didn’t feel like the right time. I knew that if I were to move, it shouldn’t be to run away from my problems. So I had a month off to live and photograph. I saw friends again, shot a lookbook for casper&pearl, assisted local photographers, life was finally beautiful. But all good things come to an end, and I was forced to move home after I met the man who lived in the unit beneath mine. He was an older, Russian man, and after a brief meeting by my car, he started to knock on my door at late hours of the night, saying inappropriate things and frightening me. He would wait at my car, and the gate to our apartments, I could hear him laughing at all hours of the morning and night, and my home was no longer my safe place, but somewhere that I lived in fear. After a visit to the police, they looked the man up on their system, and told me I should move home. I packed up my things and my mother’s scrawny tomato plant and I left my home once again.

planning for my shoot with casper&pearl

secret picnics and sunlit forests for casper&pearl

i took a darkroom class by night to learn the wonders of film and developing

i took some pictures at the eclective, a very inspiring wedding expo

mel and doran

young love

My new home was named the shanty. A ground floor unit in dire need of some TLC, an overgrown courtyard, brick walls and dented floorboards, to me it was beautiful. Martin and I had decided to live together now, with his long hours as a chef, and me not liking to sleep alone, it was certainly the best decision. I had started a new job, working nights as a processor at a bank. I can happily say it has been the best job I have ever had. With days free to photograph, and nights at a comfortable desk with good company. I worked hard over this time, starting my days at 7am shooting or assisting, and getting changed in my car at 5pm to rush to work, work became my rest time!

sewing vintage clothing for a new project

film stills from a video for casper&pearl

exploring the museum with martin

nikki and danny’s engagement shoot

the long grass with lucy

October brought some personal hardships but also my nineteenth birthday, I made a dinner party for friends and family. It marked a changing point for me, time to look forwards and not backwards. I started looking towards my options for the following year and what I was going to do with my life, and my pictures. I had travelled to Sydney to visit an old friend and explore and photograph the city. I applied for a university in Melbourne for photography (RMIT). I had little hopes of getting chosen, as thousands apply and only a handful of those are chosen to study the course. I was lucky enough to be called upon for an interview in Melbourne. I flew over with portfolio in hand and my heart in my throat. That trip to Melbourne reminded me how muchI loved the city.

photographing andrea on beautiful beaches in sydney

a secret garden with joanna in sydney

a pretty park near my mothers house in melbourne

In the December mail, I received a letter from the university. I opened the letter with shaky hands. I was accepted, I would be joining the class of two thousand and twelve at RMIT university. Martin and I will be packing our lives up once again, and this time we will be travelling across states to the pretty city of Melbourne, I’m not sure my mothers tomato plant is going to make the distance this time round. Apart from some of the hardships of this year, I have been lucky enough to have travelled to Sydney, Melbourne and Tasmania, I’ve shot campaigns, worked with some very talented creative’s and clients. I’ve met people I’ll never forget, and kept those who I love close.

late year test shoot with alexia

i second shot my first wedding this year with whitewall photography

having an early family christmas with my mothers side, and lighting candles in the storm

visiting my father in whyalla for christmas

ben shooting marbles out into the outback
This year will be my year, I can feel it.